Dallas TRHT is a community-driven vehicle for change to transform the community and eventually the country. The TRHT approach examines how the hierarchy of human value became embedded in our society, both its culture and structures, and then works with communities to design and implement effective actions that will permanently uproot it.
Focus Areas

- Narrative change is the initial area where we work to know and understand the truth about who we are and our racial histories. Informed through research and community input, the complete Dallas story will be presented by multiple racial and ethnic groups in schools, news media, books, social media, films/television/radio, digital media, cultural institutions and memorials
- In racial healing we challenge racial hierarchies, while building authentic relationships grounded in appreciation, respect, trust and reverence that extend across and within racial groups.
- Equitable policies and practices are a necessity in addressing and transforming inequities and barriers in many areas to include law, economy, segregation, racial wealth gap, education, political advancement, housing and racial equity.
Launched in 2016, TRHT is a comprehensive, national and community-based process to plan for and bring about transformational and sustainable change, and to address the historic and contemporary effects of racism.
The TRHT was launched as a way to co-develop a process by which communities and this country could begin to focus energy, resources and discourse on uprooting and eliminating the false ideology of a hierarchy of human value so that all of us could begin to effectively transform the places we live, learn work and play.
TRHT is a national effort with 14 place-based TRHT communities, including: (1) State of Alaska; (2) Baton Rouge and (3) New Orleans, Louisiana; (4) Buffalo, New York; (5) Chicago, Illinois; (6) Dallas, Texas; (7) Los Angeles, California; (8) Richmond, Virginia; (9) Selma, Alabama; (10) Saint Paul, Minnesota; and (11) Battle Creek, (12) Flint, (13) Kalamazoo and (14) Lansing, Michigan.