Dallas Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation

OUR MISSION: To create a radically inclusive Dallas and Fort Worth by addressing race and racism through narrative change, relationship building and equitable policies and practices.


A Dallas and Fort Worth where no north and south divisions exist in terms of race, wealth, arts, culture, health, safety, education and opportunity, and communities actively, honestly and openly acknowledge, repair and heal from its past and present racial inequities.

To support and educate the community on the necessity of racial equity training, understanding and policy implementation, Dallas TRHT created the Racial Equity NOW Cohort.

The Framework


Narrative change is the initial area where we work to know and understand the truth about who we are and our racial histories.


Racial Healing
We challenge racial hierarchies, while building authentic relationships grounded in appreciation, respect, trust and reverence that extend across and within racial groups.


Equitable policies and practices are a necessity in addressing and transforming inequities and barriers in many areas to include law, economy, segregation, racial wealth gap, education, political advancement, housing and racial equity.

KERA Digitizing Tour Trailer

Dallas Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Office

3108 Swiss Ave

Dallas, TX 75204

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