Community Innovation Lab / Elder in Residence
Dallas TRHT’s Community Innovation Lab is a space where community members and community-based institutions can research, theorize, design, experiment, test and begin to implement their ideas in real-time to measurably increase racial equity and decrease racism in their communities.
Dallas TRHT will provide research materials and space, learning opportunities, staff expertise, and in some cases, financial support to community members and community-based institutions to make their ideas about race, racism, racial equity, racial healing and racial justice come to life!
The Elder-In-Residence at Dallas Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation will be responsible for guiding efforts to identify and rescue the cultural history of Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas, preserving, documenting, archiving and recording community narratives, and providing wise counsel, mentorship, guidance and collaboration to Dallas TRHT Staff and our community partners.
Dallas TRHT’s inaugural Elder-In-Residence is Marilyn Clark. Ms. Clark is a legend, and a master archivist, educator, activist, and South Dallas advocate. She is currently preserving items from her own Black Cinematheque Dallas Archive, which featured film festivals, monthly film series, and various touring events.
The Elder-In-Residence’s role and work will live and grow in Dallas TRHT’s Community Innovation Lab.