Welcome to the 2020 Dallas Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Annual Report: A New Community Vision for Dallas!
The goal of this report is threefold. The first goal is to value the narratives of the often unspoken and unwritten origin stories of The City of Dallas and Dallas County. These historical narratives are as important as any data, and should be acknowledged when doing work in communities of color and creating policy. The second goal is to share the beginning of a larger and more expansive Community Racial History (as stated in the W.K. Kellogg TRHT Implementation Guidebook), which is a historical analysis of the attitudes, policies and practices of place and race. The third goal is to share the first complete year of Dallas TRHT programming, which coincided the COVID-19 pandemic and one of the largest reckonings with the history of white supremacy and racism we experienced. This report is not designed to serve as a complete or exhaustive history of Dallas.
This is a part of the foundation upon which erased or undertold community narratives will be built, including the story of Dallas' Asian community, the Jewish community, the Muslim community and many more to come.
In gratitude to the people of Dallas,
Jerry Hawkins,
Executive Director, Dallas TRHT