A New Year

In 2020, we all experienced one of the most impactful years of our lifetimes. Our collective loss during this pandemic has only been exacerbated by the racial disparities in COVID-19 infection rates, hospitalizations, recovery, testing, deaths and now vaccinations.
2020’s Presidential election has further exposed the racism that continues to divide the United States, complete with racist policies and statements directly from the White House.
We also have had to repeatedly reckon with racism and violence from institutions, particularly policing, as we all witnessed the traumatic events that took George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Rayshard Brooks and so many others away from us.
The common theme in all these events is racism. The questions I challenge myself with are “what will I do about it?” and “what will we do about it?”
2020 has made clear the work we have to recommit to in 2021. We have seen statues come down and names be changed, but we have so much more to do. In 2021, Dallas TRHT is growing our staff, expanding our work and reach, and we are fervently committed to the radically inclusive work of racial equity and racial healing. Join Dallas TRHT and recommit to learning and creating more expansive narratives, building relationships and community healing, and creating the world we all need through racially equitable policies and practices!
This work is for all of us to do.
Jerry Hawkins
Executive Director
Dallas TRHT
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